Are your parents or loved ones in need of homecare? Having “the conversation” about their life changes and evolving needs can be a difficult topic for everyone. Here are some tips that could help bring a more successful and positive outcome.
Get Started Early
First, it is important to plan ahead and begin the conversation early, before you find yourself having to react to a crisis.
Beginning early allows your parents to be involved in the decision while they are of sound mind and body. The more involved your parents are, the more receptive they will be. They may be in denial, but you can observe what your parents struggle with, and take note of signs that indicate they may not be managing independently.
Based on these facts, you can open an opportunity to problem-solve together and come up with a solution that they are comfortable with.
Keep It Gentle & Respectful
Remember to approach the homecare conversation in a productive and non-intimidating way. Let your parents know that you are concerned about their health and want to help however you can. Avoid taking over them, or telling them what to do; offer options as opposed to advice, which gives them some control in the situation.
Mentioning that a friend’s parent had been in a similar situation and was assisted with home care may help your parents to relate to others, and in turn, be more open to the idea.
They'll Still Be Independent – Only Safer
Your loved ones may oppose the idea based on fear of losing their independence. You can mitigate this fear by explaining how home care can help them safely maintain the life at home that they want, if they prefer not to move to a retirement home.
Plus, homecare is flexible in terms of frequency and duration. It can be provided for as little as a few hours a day and means having someone there to provide a little extra help when life’s routines are getting more challenging.
In the end, it is important to remember that being aggressive will get you nowhere, and only strain your relationship with your parents. If they are not open to the idea at first, give them time to think it over.
This process may involve multiple conversations but each one is a step in building acceptance. It is a sensitive situation that will only move forward with positivity and open-mindedness.