Be In The Now With Them
It will be not easy for you if your loved one doesn’t remember you anymore, but try to stay positive and supportive when this comes. Don’t take it personally or get upset with them, the best way to help and support them is to be where they are now and always continue to love them and be patient with them.
Exercise is good for everyone, so just because the person has dementia doesn’t change the need for exercise. Plan a simple list of exercises that he/she can do, and always remember to check first with the doctor if those exercises that you have in mind will be good for them.
Take Care Of Yourself While You Take Care Of Them
You also need to take care of yourself, take a time out to do something that makes you happy. If all your energy and focus is taking care of someone else you will lose yourself in the process and risk burn out. Support groups can help when you feel stressed, upset, or depressed. Remember, even if you don’t say anything, the person with dementia will often feel or react to negative emotions.
Allow Them To Have Fun
Just because the person has dementia doesn’t mean that they can't have any fun and enjoy activities such as going to a park, museum or to visit his/her family if they feel up to it. A smile on their face is a reward!
Remember They Can Still Feel And Be Emotional
They may forget certain situations in their life, but they will not forget how you treat them. Try to be patient and kind to make them feel secure with you and happy too.
Keep Life Simple For Them
Focus on keeping life as simple as possible. This will continue as the disease progresses when even more simplification will be needed.
Rely On Family Members To Assist
If you don’t have anyone close who can help you to take of your loved one so you don’t overwhelm yourself, remember here at ActivePro Nursing & Homecare Inc we can help share your load.
Learn More About Our Dedicated & Experienced Health Care Staff
For more information don't hesitate to contact us, we are here to provide you or your loved ones for the extra care that is needed. Call our local Toronto office at (647) 793-2525 to learn how caregiver services can assist your family.